Clear Unwanted Energies
Restoring Balance

Unwanted Ghosts, Entities or Energies??
Bothersome Ghosts,Yukky Entities, Stagnant or Residual Energies??
Through the Powerful Laws of the Universe , Unconditional Love, and Strength of God"s Warriors ...it will be done!!!
Removal of any unwanted Spirits, Ghosts, Entities, Harmful Beings , Low Energies, Influences, and "THE UNKNOWN" from any location in the world.
How Do You Know If You Have A Ghost, Unbalanced harmful Energy or Entities??
• You feel there is an unseen presence around you, or “something is just not right.”
• You can see something, a shadow , mist or catch a glimpse out of the corner of your eye, of an unknown presence
• You get that "cold" or "creepy" feeling or being suddenly awakened at night?
• Your dog or cat intently looks at something that you can't see, and gets panicky and agitated.
• You can hear voices, knocking or footsteps, your being touch, shoved, pulled or shaken and it just doesnt feel right?
• You feel drained of energy, fatigued, depressed ,irritated, shaky, sleepness
• Things move without explanation. They disappear or just show up out of no where
• Unexplained anger, addictions, mood swings, or suicidal thoughts.
Have you recently bought a house, property, business, vehicle, boat, motorhome, etc...???
Staying in a Hotel, Motel , Cabin or Vacation spot ??
House or property under construction??
Live by a Graveyard, Accident scene or death in home
By Clearing these spaces of the residual energies from previous owners or contractors, etc.. releasing the unbalanced, funky energy and attachments from all areas of concern, returning deceased to Heaven to complete their Journey here, (Yes! it can be entertaining to have Casper the friendly ghost in your home, but your Ghost/a loved one perhaps, needs to go home to complete a journey they were sent here to do.
They need to be freed to be free!!
It can bring in such a re-freshing, light, loving and joyful atmosphere back in your space
The need to clear unwanted ghosts, has been a long standing problem throughout history.
Ghosts can and do learn to manipulate the environment that they are in. That means you too! They usually do this to get your attention. It can be a call for help, or a warning. They learn to easily move things, knock, make footsteps, sounds, pester your pets, open & close doors, drawers, enter into our dreams or just be annoying or scary!
They feed & gain strength off of your energy, electrical or battery operated devices, to recharge their energy levels. This can leave you feeling really drained. Some can easily push your buttons, sending you into extreme emotions, giving them a substantial boost in energy.

Ghosts are deceased people who have lost their way, and need help to reconnect with the Light.
Ghosts are mostly harmless (and some are not) frustration and desperation to be free of the home or location( including accident scenes, cemetaries, etc) is often sadly the case, They are STUCK in transistion, who they are STUCK with needs help too!! What may be HOLDING them Earth Bound, attachments to home, family , not knowing their deceased, being held by Dark entities, etc. They want and need to get your attention, SOO0 desperately!!
Ghosts experience such joy and happiness at being released, that they usually cry tears of happiness as they are freed. Many times they have held or shook my hand, touched my face or shoulder. It is a very beautiful and emotional time for me too!!
I am blessed to be able to take some as far as the tunnel, usually about 1\4 way in, where Spirit is there waiting for them, along with some family ,friends and Pets too!!
On the other hand, some ghosts like it in the home they are in and are reluctant to leave.
IT is NEVER a good idea, to allow a ghost to co-exist with you, friendly or not, they need to be returned home, so that they can complete their life journey/path/mission..
There are also ghosts that simply wander from house to house, staying as long as it serves their purpose, and moving on when it doesn't. Disrupting the lives of people living in that space and even in the neighorhood.
Many wandering ghosts are looking for energy sources, often attaching to you to try to manipulate you.
Removing ghosts is usually very straight forward and they rarely, if ever return.
Clearings are done remotely ANYWHERE in the World.

The clearing process will last for 7 days, and a brief report sent to you by e-mail afterwards
Please provide me with address, at checkout, Day you would like clearing to start.